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Inquiring Young Minds

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Deep Shah




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Inquiring Young Minds

Deep Shah


Deep Shah

Publication is Deep Shah’s goal for his research project, but not just to build academic credentials. Shah, an international affairs and biology major from Duluth, is conducting bioterrorism studies in hopes of mitigating disaster.

“I have focused on the possibility of an anthrax attack on Sanford Stadium and how a town like Athens can prepare and mobilize healthcare resources to respond effectively in this scenario,” says the senior, whose parents are both physicians. “I have assessed the healthcare capabilities of Athens-Clarke County through various government statistics and added this to dynamic interpretations of population movement in Athens on game days to generate a medical response plan.”

Shah first presented his research at the 2007 CURO symposium. Now it has morphed into a thesis titled “Unsuspecting Targets – Preparing America's College Towns for a BioKatrina.” At the suggestion of his faculty mentor Loch Johnson, Regents Professor of Political Science, it will be submitted for publication to the Journal of Homeland Security and Management. “My project’s goal is to provide tailored information and models for bolstering the healthcare security of our community and others,” says Shah.

Shah, who in 2007 received both a Rhodes Scholarship and Harry S. Truman Scholarship, plans to become a physician involved in the development of public health policy.



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