Awards & Honors Catagories:

Creative Research
Award Recipients 2008


Inventor's Award


Distinguished Research Professors

Creative Research
Medal Recipients 2008




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Awards & Honors

Creative Research Award Recipients 2008

Inventor's Award

Distinguished Research Professors

Creative Research Medal Recipients 2008

Awards & Honors

Creative Research
Award Recipients 2008
by Helen Fosgate

Awarded in three areas—the sciences, the creative arts and humanities, and the social and behavioral sciences—to recognize outstanding scholarly activities that have gained broad recognition.


Sarah Spence

Albert Christ-Janer Award for an outstanding body of work in the creative arts and humanities.

Sarah Spence, professor of classics, is trained as a comparative medievalist. Yet her research and scholarly work also embrace the classics as well as more modern forms of literature. In addition to her many books, essays, and book reviews, Spence is the founding editor of Literary Imagination, a journal of creative and scholarly writing that has earned worldwide praise for her, its authors, and the University of Georgia. Spence’s interest in harnessing the unique capacity of literature to compare and contrast strategic issues is the subject of her current project, which analyzes the literary treatment of Sicily from Vergil to Dante. While the project draws on research from her first book, Rhetorics of Reason and Desire, it applies the methodology of her second book, Texts and the Self in the Twelfth Century, in which she looks at the creative interplay between Latin and vernacular texts.

Bi-Cheng Wang

Lamar Dodd Award for an outstanding body of research in the sciences.

Bi-Cheng Wang, professor and GRA Eminent Scholar of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, is internationally known for his major contributions to structural biology, crystallographic education, and structural genomics. Developer of the solvent-flattening method, Wang has more recently pioneered a new technique, direct crystallography, to expedite determinations of structure from native protein crystals. In addition to building a world-class facility for X-ray structural biology at UGA, Wang helped found and serves as director of the Southeast Regional Collaborative Access Team (SER-CAT)—a $25-million shared facility, constructed and operated by UGA, at the Advanced Photon Source of the Argonne National Laboratory. Wang, who received the 2008 A. Lindo Patterson Award from the American Crystallographic Association, also serves as director of the Southeast Collaboratory for Structural Genomics, an NIH-funded project that has attracted more than $30 million in support over the past seven years.

David M. DeJoy

William A. Owens Award for an outstanding body of research in the social and behavioral sciences.

David M. DeJoy, professor of health promotion and behavior, studies the behavioral and psychological aspects of workplace safety, particularly the organizational factors that promote or obstruct it. In 1993 DeJoy authored, in the Journal of Occupational Medicine, a seminal paper that made the case for integrating the scientific and business aspects of workplace safety. His model emphasized organizational factors, as opposed to blaming accidents on workers or a lack of training; it is based on increased cooperation between unrelated departments to achieve common goals such as improved safety. This and DeJoy’s other work on integrating human resources within organizations have inspired new research directions in the field, as well as numerous real-world applications. Today many of the country’s largest employers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention among them, have adopted his model.



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